Thursday, October 19, 2006

We Continue to Give Thanks!

Our Thursday was marked first by the good news that our paperwork was successfully submitted to the SDA on Wednesday. We give thanks for each step made on track to take Erin home as soon as possible. She asked us “when we can go on the plane to home”. She didn’t hold back her disappointment when Victor explained the time it will take before we get to finally go. It is easy to understand her frustration but we hold on to the hope set before us and walk it as patiently as possible.

There is a great outdoor market here with anything you could want to purchase so we ventured out to purchase Beverly a warmer coat. We ended up finding a fur coat. Kathie and Dave went along with Gary and Beverly. Victor came to translate for us, as Olis, their facilitator, was finishing up their documents to take on the train to Kiev Thursday evening. We are blessed to have facilitators who are friends and will tag team for us as they take turns making trips home.

Erin was still in the infirmary at the orphanage with a case of bronchitis so we decided to give her until the weekend to get better before taking her out on a shopping trip. It is suppose to warm up to the 50’s then. Erin’s friends, including Vica were visiting her so we played “YOU KNOW” otherwise known as UNO with them and they taught us some hand games. Gary also entertained them with his various noises and his disappearing ping-pong ball trick. They especially like his Donald Duck- in Russian. Gary’s reputation continues as “Superman” as we have heard from the hallways during our visits, children yelling “Superman” as they run by.

We also talked with the director as Vica has decided that she wants us to try to adopt her. Her paperwork was turned into the oblast (like the county seat) sometime in July so it would probably be another year before we could adopt her. She talked with the director in front of us and told her that she was sure this time. We will continue to pray for the Lord to make the path straight if this is his will.

There are so many children in the orphanage from 16 down to little ones that just wave and smile when you walk by and all of them so deserving of parents. They look at you with such a longing in their eyes. It will forever permeate our hearts these faces of abandonment and loss. Some will shyly tell you their stories and it breaks your heart to hear what they have been through. Our hope is that we can somehow be a voice for them in years to come.

Thank you for your love and continue prayer support. Our daughter Brittany called last night to tell us that her thyroid is causing more problems. Please pray with us for her.

PS If you sent us an email and we haven't replied please try again. Our outgoing email has been problematic. Our apology for the inconvenience.


Anonymous said...

We give thanks along with you!!! We also continue to pray for all of you and your health. We hope Erin recovers well, and Brittany too. Thank goodness for Uno!! : ) (Krasny! Seeny! Zholty! Zelony! you won't forget your basic four colors in Russian!) Are most of the kids speaking Russian, or Ukrainian? Continued blessings, hang in there.... Jean & Jim

Anonymous said...

Hi Bev,Gary and Erin,
Sounds like another exciting day in Russia. If I can do anything on this end to help with the kids, just let me know. I know they have only just met me but I am willing to do what I can to help if needed. Sounds like you have just gotten a new coat, Bev. Cant wait for you to model it when you get home. Hope the time moves quickly for all and you will soon be home.

Anonymous said...

Dear Bev & Gary, even though you don't know me very well, I wanted you to know that you are in my prayers. Bev, I'm in your Bible study small group on Wed. Anyway, what exciting, wonderful, God-filled times for all of you! The pictures just warm my heart! If makes me wonder how the girls are that we had last year...Sveta, Olena, Olga (3 sisters) & Luda. If you see them, tell them I hope to see them again & I pray for them too.

God-speed home with lots of stories!
Janet Muller

Anonymous said...

Dear Beverly and Gary, I am so glad everyting is going well. I check your blog every day. What an exciting time. I know the Lord is meeting you every step of the way. Blessings and love, Iryna

Anonymous said...

Dear Gary and Beverly,

We are so glad to hear the good news! I'm just catching up today from the last 4 days and I am so glad that Vika wants you to adopt her! We will continue to keep that matter in our prayers! Erin looks so happy in the pictures, and who wouldn't when your going home with Superman!!! Just kidding Gary...we think your super!!!

Be safe and we look forward to your next news!

Love, Amy, Mark & family