Erin sat on mama’s lap and we held hands during the court hearing. It was a less formal environment then American courts but Victor said that just depends on the city. The judge was an older woman and smiled at us before she entered the room. The guardianship city representative and the lawyer for the orphanage were the only people who spoke other than the young prosecutor who only briefly gave her agreement to the adoption. We were questioned individually by the judge about ourselves and asked whom do you want to adopt? Are you materially able to care for her-send her to school etc? Mama was asked if she wanted to add anything and she just stated that they loved her very much and would promise to keep her connected to her Ukrainian roots.
Afterwards Erin was asked to stand and explain how she felt. She told them about staying with us in the US and how she already had a good relationship with her new brother and sisters. She said,” they have already done more for me than my own family has ever done”.
After hearing from all the interested parties the judge asked us to step out of her office and in about 10 minutes we were asked to return for the rendering of her decision. We all stood as she read through the formalities and when we finally heard her agreement after a lot of legal wording, we all heard the decision with great emotion. Now we start the 10 day wait (appeal period).
After court we took Erin to get her passport photo made and then we went to do our petition for a new passport with the notary. (We have been very happy with the notary we have used as she is very friendly and seems to be genuinely happy for us. She is also convenient to the hotel.) This was done in preparation for Victors return from his trip home today until the 6th so that we will be prepared for our trips to the oblast on the 6-7th to finalize the birth certificate and the passport. Our last step in the process before heading back to Kiev for the medical exam and exit visa.
HINT of the day: Don’t send out your laundry with the hotel here. A bag of clothes cost us $64. Victor found a laundry a couple of blocks from here where you only have to pay 5grh a kilo. Our laundry was gone for 3 days and came back damp and Kathie and Dave’s were ready at the laundry the next day having been dried in a dryer.
Thank you for all your continue prayer support. We can actually feel God’s presence with us as we have taken these almost unbelievable steps in the process of adoption. We are so grateful for all that have been in this with us both in prayer and in helping us with our children at home. You have only to look at the smile on Erin’s face to know God already has great plans for the newest member of our family.
I miss you a lot. Tell Erin and Vica that I love them! :)
YIPPEE! Praise be, for a swift and positive court appearance and for the happiness you are all experiencing! We pray that your path will continue to be straight and that we will see you here, back in the good ol' USA, in early November! The Henrys
We're rejoicing with you that the court hearing went well. We are praying that all will continue to go smoothly and we will get to meet Erin soon. Bob, Lisa, Kiera & Ryan
Praise God is all that can be said, may God has contiuallly touch as you finish out your wait and bagin your trip home with your new beautiful daughter,
so excited for you guys!! Can't wait to see you in Kiev soon-- blessings and godspeed through the 10 day wait. Give my love to Erin :)
CONGRATULATIONS! I know your excited and anxious to come home to the rest of your family. God is so good! We are so happy for you all and will continue to pray for things to continue to go smoothly and a safe trip home. We love you! John and Chris
Hooray and Congratulations! We'll be thinking about you at the HFO meeting tomorrow morning and are happy everything is going so well. Erin (and you guys too!)looks so happy and we will look forward to seeing her beautiful face sometime soon. Safe travels home!
Rob and Laura Passanita
I am so excited for all of you! This is about the only thing that I do on the computer these days. Really enjoy seeing the posted progress. The picture of the 3 of you is so heart warming. I continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Congratulations Bruce family!!! May God richly bless you all!! We're praying for Vica and the days ahead, and hope it won't be long before she joins you. Abby, Zach and Brittany - congrats on your new sister!
~the Hathaway's
Congratulations! What wonderful news! I shared an update at Body and Soul and everybody was so excited for you guys. Praise the Lord! Love, Iryna
We sing praises to our God! He has trully allowed this process to go smooth. Aaron and I take turns reading to eachother the postings over the phone. Good news- my labs came back and my thyroid is okay and Rachel and I survived the Charleston, SC ghetto w/ Rachel. It trully is a blessing!
Love and miss you tones,
Brittany B.
Congratulations to the newly expanded Bruce family. I am so happy that this process has gone so smoothly for you both. I know that God has definately found the right home for Erin and she, as well as the rest of your family, will be blessed to have each other. I will continue to pray that your trip home goes smoothly and that you will have your daughter back home where she belongs.
God be with you,
Congratulations Bruce Family!
Gil, Kelley and I wish you a wonderful stay with your new daughter, Erin. We look forward to getting to know her. Adoptions are a beautiful thing!!
We will keep you in our prayers as you continue this process and fly home safely. God Bless! Carolyn
P.S. I'm so glad that Brittany's thyroid is OK - Praise God!
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