So let’s see, what’s going on? Well since the court hearing, Victor our facilitator has gone home for some well deserved time with his family. He started working with us 3 weeks ago after coming directly from his facilitation work with the Williams who just adopted a boy named Vasa. Victor only had 20 minutes with his family before hitting the train with us to Berdyansk. The good thing is that the Dave & Kathie’s facilitator just returned from some time off for a wedding and has been helping both families as needed. That said we are feeling a little more comfortable on our own too. Gary has managed to have the right Russian words when needed and Beverly seems to be able to figure out Russian signs and labels. Give us another 10 years here and we would fit right in ;-)
We have been having a great time with Erin, Vika, and Olga (the Henry’s [we pray] soon to be daughter) and Kathie & Dave and their 2 boys. We’ve ventured out into the crowded market place to pick out some new cloths for Olga from her State-side Mama and Papa, wandered around the waterfront, and took a taxi trip to the beach point about 20 minute down the coast. We were walking to the boardwalk on Saturday and passed by the Vital Statistics building where it was wedding day. One after another wedding was taking place and as the wedding party would come out of the building, a man played on an accordion out front. Then some of the wedding parties would walk the rest of the way to the beach for photos. There were cars lined up with double gold rings on top and decorated with flowers. Of course the children weren’t as impressed as their American mama’s and papa’s. There were at least 5-6 going on at the same time and the women were all dressed to the 9’s.
We know that some of the prospective parents heading to Berdyansk soon (we hope) might want to know the routine for picking up the kids each day so here it goes.
The biggest piece is that you must visit Galina the Director at the orphanage to ask permission. Once given, your facilitator must write a statement of protection in Russian basically saying you are responsible for their safety and safe return at 6:00 pm every night. She has been good about one letter working for the entire weekend since she doesn’t work on Sunday’s. Once you sign the letters then you are good to go. We show up at around 10:15 and the kids are usually waiting for us. Get in the taxi then go do whatever we want until 6:00 pm. For us that usually means some time in our room relaxing and having a few snacks, then touring or shopping, then a big late lunch usually in the hotel restaurant at around 2:30. They can eat again at the orphanage at 7:00 pm after they return but they are usually too full after the lunch. Once they are back at the orphanage they we usually just hit the Internet café or just crash for the rest of the day. This week is a little different as the kids have school off for the entire week. We have to return the orphanage this morning to ask permission to have them for the week and do the same letter again but it will be nice to have them almost up until the day we leave. Great timing by the school system we think.
That’s about it for now. Victor returns on Monday morning to start the going home process with the court decree. We are hoping to be on a flight on 10 or 11 November home but everything is booked right now. Victor has been working with the airlines and has us on a stand-by status but we do have confirmed reservations on Monday, 13 Nov. Please pray that something opens up for the weekend. We miss our family back home and have been away from them long enough. But we are still trusting God’s timing.
Also, a big Thank You to all who have posted to this site. We always look forward to reading your words of encouragement each day. We are so blessed by such a great family and wonderful friends.
Hi Bev & Gary,
Thanks for the update. I'll be praying that you can get an earlier flight.When will you be able to come to Orlando so I can meet my new granddaughter? I'm anxious to see all of you.
Thanks for your informative postings, and of course, all that you are doing for dear Olya!! We are blessed by your presence there, and the kids surely are too. Sounds like you are filling your days happily and figuring things out! Prayers for safe travels, for your facilitators and the whole team that will get you guys HOME. The Henrys
This is so exciting! We know you are anxious to get home but we foresee quite a Thanksgiving celebration back in the states. How joyous the upcoming holidays will be in the Bruce household. We pray continued blessings, safety, and God's perfect timing for all the final details. Like your Dad, we look forward to your Orlando visit. ;-)
Much love,
Peggy & Charlie
YOU ARE COMING HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Bev and Gary,
Terri and I have enjoyed reading your notes. We are very pleased everything is going so well and look forward to the day when you return. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you on this side of the pond!
Stan and Terri
Bev & Gary, yours postings are wonderful, I can't wait to read them, giving us all the ability to "walk in your shoes", with each step so full of God's blessings! Thanks for your diligence in detailing your journey and the pictures are worth a thousand words :) This Thanksgiving will have renewed meaning!
God bless, you are in our prayers, Debbie & Dale
Hi, Bev, Gary and Erin -
We're so happy that everything is going so well. Can't wait for you to make the trip to SC so we can meet Erin. Mom asks me everyday if I've checked your blog and what's the latest.
You're always in our prayers.
Just got back from Arizona to see the great news that the adoption is finalized! How amazing! I am so excited and can't wait to meet Erin. This is such a special and happy time. Thinking of you all! Blessings. e
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