We made it home into Newport News Airport at 9:38 pm, Friday. Ohhhhhhh, what a wonderful site to see. Tim and Charlene Quiram along with our youngest Abby and their youngest Ethan standing there with balloon and flowers. God is Good!
On 08 Nov, we were able to get Erin's passport completed in Zaporizhzhya and caught the 7:30 pm train to Kiev. We arrived in Kiev at 6:00 am a little tired but excited to be almost finished. We were greeted by the Sense driver who took us, along with Victor, to a little apartment in downtown Kiev. We said our goodbyes to Victor and he headed home. Yulia, our project manager, stopped by at 9:00 am and we hit the road for Erin's med exam. It went smoothly at a local medical center. Erin had to get a Hep B shot which cost $75 usd. Bev recommends that families give their child some motrin or pain reliever prior to the med appointment in case they have to receive shots. Erin's arm hurt for a while. We got the med forms done then stopped by the Sense Offices for a few minutes. Then we were off to the Embassy. Yulia marched us right up to front of a very long line at the security gate since we had US passports. We went right in (Point: they do not allow cell phones inside so just leave it with your driver or project manager).
At the Embassy, we went to the "American Citizens Service Center" window and told them who we where. Yulia had already made our appointment so they were ready for us. We had already filled out most of the forms that Yuri gave us when we first got to Ukraine but some things we didn't know how to answer. The Embassy people where very nice and helped us as needed. We finished the paperwork and where out in about 45 minutes. We then had to wait for them to tell us our visa was ready from Erin. The reason you do not get it immediately is that Erin's picture had to be run through the national data base for approval. This could take only 4 hours but we were told it could take a day. So we where off to check on airline tickets during the wait.
Well, to make a long story longer, we waited with a lot of prayer and sure enough Yulia called to say the driver was on his way to pick us up to get Erin's visa. Gary arrived at the Embassy at 5:10 pm. They closed at 5:00 pm....But, he checked with security and the lady managing our package was still there and she let him in to pick it up. Good thing too as they where closed on Friday due to the US holiday. The embassy gave him the passport and a big envelope that must remain sealed and given to US customs upon arrival to America. Gary then headed to the travel agency and was able to get tickets via Ukraine Airlines through London Gatewick and Atlanta to home. We got up at 5:15 am in Kiev on Friday and hit the road for the airport.
At the airport, we checked in with passport control. They asked to see the court decree then stamped our passports and we were off. The flight was relatively pleasant but long (of course). We got into Atlanta to check into US customs at around 5:30 pm est. We must say that is was a very nice experience. Gary was very proud of is fellow Homeland Security employees as the Customs officers where very nice. The first gentleman at passport control was great and told Erin, "Welcome to the United States of America Erin. You are now a US citizen". She understood completely and just gave a great big smile. We were then directed to the main USCIS desk. We put Erin's envelope on one of 3 desks then waited about 15 minutes to be called forward. The officer was very nice. He told us that we needed to get Erin's social security number as soon as possible and that the formal USCIS approval package would get to us within 45 days. He then stamped a few things on Erin's passport/visa and congratulated Erin on becoming a US citizen and we where off to our connection. We would recommend that you have a minimum of a 2 hour layover at the airport where you check into customs. It took us about 75 minutes to get our luggage, through customs, recheck baggage and to our connecting flight. All while absolutely worn out.
Anyway, we all slept like rocks last night and are planning a little catch up rest today before starting the next phase of our lives with our new family.
We will continue to update on Erin's progress periodically.
To All: From the very bottom of our hearts we thank you all for your kind notes of encouragement, thoughts, and most of all your prayers. God's hand was so very evident during this entire process which start with the visit of 2 little girls last December. All of your help has been crucial to making this all happen.
Thank You!!!!